Happy Earthday and safe travels to Neighborhood Nip ! As a Vedic Astrologer, we see he's an Aquarius Ascendant in the Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada. Purva Bhadrapada is an interesting Nakshatra. This nakshatra puts you in the belly of the beast of temptation and forces you to rise above it. At his departure, we can see he was right at that turning point, but the stellium in the 6th House of Cancer interrupted this. He has Mars (debilitated), Moon (own sign), Mercury (nakshatra lord), and Sun all in the Nakshatra of Ashlesha. When using the symbolic representation of Cancer the crab. Ashlesha is the claws of the Crab. With this happening in the 6th house of enemies, it shows a crab in the bucket type of environment that he was in. He had a lot of close enemies both known and unknown. He was assassinated during his Sun Dasha period of life, which is the 7th lord of his chart. When we look at the topic of "transitioning/death" the 7th house is the main culprit. This is further enforced because the 7th lord is in the 6th house. If he had spoken to me or another competent astrologer, we would have told him to watch his "friends" and tighten up his security. It's unfortunate but he left a great legacy. For more on this check out episode 21 of our podcast Cosmic Convos on all major platforms #TMC
New Moon Eclipse During The Summer Solstice
The Eclipse at 11:45 PM 6/20/2020 is an intense one . Firstly it’s Summer Solstice, and one thing for certain is that we all know that you don’t go out during an eclipse, and now that the country is open everyone out. Very bad idea. I would say that we’re in a time where there are a lot potential threats. The Eclipse occurs in the United States 7th House of Gemini . I wouldn’t be surprised if a foreign threat arises. The prior eclipses occurred in Sagittarius which is the US’S Ascendant/1st House. They haven’t been visible in the US but we still see/feel their impact. Keep an eye on the India China Conflict. The last few eclipses especially the Winter Solstice Eclipse if 2019 was visible there. They are engaging in pre war behavior. This may effect us. Of course we still have the virus and police brutality occur as well. Also there’s a Full Moon eclipse coming on July 5th in Sagittarius . This is a good time to focus spiritual cultivation because the energies very unstable. A lot of bad decisions being made from leadership and the people.
Star Gazing!! Venus In Taurus
t’s a nice and clear night out. If you look up to the west you can see Venus sitting in the constellation of Taurus and if you look up to the south you can see the waxing moon sitting in the belly of the lion in Leo Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. Without all of the fancy technology you can star gaze and see the planets in action. It’s important to not neglect astronomy when you study astrology. Astronomy is the what and astrology is the why. 2 sides of the same coin. This is the difference between western and sidereal astrology. Sidereal Astrology reflects the night sky, western astrology does not. In ancient times our eyes and the sky is all we had.
Pluto Enters The USA's 2nd House! A Vedic Approach
Here's the chart of the United States . As you see, The United States is experiencing its first Pluto return in the 2nd House of the nation's wealth and economy. For the next 2 years, Saturn will be there as well. Expect a major shift in the way that the nation's economy work. The next few years will force us to be discipline. The Sagittarius and Gemini axis is at the center of all the events that are occurring in the world. With the United States being a Sagittarius ascendant expect a complex relationship with the foreign nations, and with its own citizens. A lot of unknown information to the public will be revealed. It's Happening Now.
Rahu In Ardra and Ketu In Moola: A Brief Dive Into History
Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) in Ardra and Mula Nakshatras : Recipes For Destruction!
Looking through history every time that Rahu is in Ardra (ruled by Rahu) (6° 40' - 20° of Gemini) and Ketu is in Mula (ruled by Ketu) (0° - 13°20' of Sagittarius) a major destructive world event occurs. Ardra is known for its destructive forces with a tear drop being its symbol. Mula being symbolized by tree roots is known for going deep into things. So when these two are in these nakshatras they bring destructive events thats been brewing under the surface for a time. Things come to light. And in many cases disease or attacks are what is brought to the surface. Below I show some key times in history of Rahu and Ketu in these Nakshatras and the events that occured.
2020- COVID-19
2001- September 11th
1982- HIV/AIDS epidemic
1964- The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
1945- WWII/ Bombing of Hiroshima
1927 - Xining Earthquake 200,00 fatalities
*1918 (Reverse Rahu in Mula and Ketu in Ardra)- Spanish Flu wiped out a 3rd of the world's population
1350- Black Plague almost half of Europe wiped out.
Leo: The Masters of Delegation
Upper Left DJ Khaled, Upper Right Sean Diddy Combs, Lower Left James Prince, and Lower Right Dame Dash.
Since the upcoming Full Moon will be in Leo , Lets look at some famous people with this moon placement. Remember that in Vedic Astrology the moon is the primary contributor to personality, so when we look at the individuals below (Dj Kahled, P Diddy, J Prince, and Dame Dash) the major thing that they have in common is DELEGATION. Leo as a moon placement creates a natural leader, but the style is more like a quarterback. The Moon in Leo sits in the center and distribute tasks and responsibilities like the head lion of a pride. They can get their hands dirty but prefers to focus on the big picture, which makes them great CEOs, Entrepreneurs, and Managers. Leo being the natural place for the 5th house, is more about creation than creativity in traditional sense. The 5th is the house of children because it’s what you create and control (or better yet are responsible for). Which is why this placement can come off as controlling, or appear to have drive to save/protect others. Magha Nakshatra 0-13.20 degrees (Ketu ruled) Leo is more of an out front leader, 13.20 degrees - 26.40 degrees Purva Phalguni (Venus ruled) Nakshatra is more of the Leader that enjoy the luxuries of being the leader, 26.40 degrees - 30 degrees, Uttara Phalguni (Sun ruled) Nakshatra is the leader that is behind the scenes ruling the Kingdom, not as concerned with being seen.
The Astrological Reason For The Killer Instinct or Mamba Mentality.
Kobe and MJ In Vedic astrology the main contributor to the personality is the Moon . What I find interesting in both of these charts is that there are strong connections between the Moon and Mars. Firstly, both MJ and Kobe have their moon in Mars ruled signs, Scorpio and Aries respectively. Moon in these signs gives one the desire to compete, makes them have a warrior disposition in life, and take matters in their own hands. Next we see that Kobe’s Moon is receiving a Mars aspect creating what we call in Vedic Astrology a Chandra (Moon) Mangal (Mars) Yoga. This combination makes one great competitors, great risk takers, and great business people. MJ has Parivatana Yoga which is a mutual exchange between house lords and his occurs with Moon and Mars. This creates a similar affect to a Chandra Mangal Yoga due to the planets involved. Without great time for Kobe I can’t confirm this other consideration, but for MJ he has that Parivatana happening with the 2nd and 6th house, which makes his mind focus on competing with other people. Makes him very consumed with potential enemies or people taking his spot. So here we see how Mars helped propell both players to Extreme sport’s prominence. Much blessings and peace to Kobe’s Family and May he and his daughter transition well.
Qaseem Solemani Killed By An US Drone in Iraq
In Episode 23 of Season 1 we talked about the placements that create the environment for war, and we are seeing these alignments take shape right now, especially in the United States Chart. Last Summer
Shekhem Ra did a video on the 2019 summer eclipse and it’s impact on the USA and Iran conflict. Now we are seeing the ugly fruits of this. This Summer we’re having another eclipse that’s occurring in the US’s 7th House of Gemini which deal with Foreign Relations. This past winter 2019 solar eclipse happened the US’s Ascendant of Sagittarius which is the country itself and it’s people. The US has now taken out the Top Military Commander in Iran. We really have to keep an eye on this and put as much positivity as possible. There’s a strong possibility for #war on the horizon.
Watch Bro Ra’s Video Here
Tina Turner: A Case Study In Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)
In Jyotish, we always look at the Ascendant and its Lord (Planet that rules the sign) first. Tina Turner is a Cancer Ascendant (Lagna, Rising) in the Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) Ashlesha, and Moon is in Taurus under the Rohin Nakshatra. How do we know this? Ashlesha Natives (especially Women) have almost cat-like facial features (High cheekbones, seductive eyes,etc.). In life, they tend to become masters of seducing the opposite sex which often-times can turn bad due to the lack of control that the men they're involved with having over them. Another prominent Ashlesha native is Marilyn Monroe which is another good example of this. The Lagna Lord, Moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which gives great resilience in life, but Venus is in the 6th House (The Lord of Taurus) is damaged, so this brings issues to her mother. Next, we'll the 7th House of Marriage and partnerships which is ruled by Capricorn. Saturn is the Lord of The 7th and is debilitated in the 10th of Aries. This shows her tumultuous relationship with Ike Turner. The placement is further damaged by the presence of Ketu (Southern Node). She began working with Ike in 1958 during a Rahu-Saturn Dasha Period. Rahu (Northern Node), which sits in the 4th House shows an unconventional upbringing. According to her bio, she moved around a lot growing up. You can see the musical talent from Moon being exalted in the 11th house, and from the 2nd Lord (Voice) being Conjunct the 3rd Lord (Communication, Singing, Talking) in the 5th house (Entertainment Industry, Speculative Business) of Scorpio. These two Lords in Scorpio gives her a raspy singing voice. Her huge success is due to many factors in the chart, but I'll focus on her Jupiter period of life (1971-1987). Her Jupiter is in the 9th House in its own sign of Pisces. This creates a Lakshmi Yoga which brings abundant wealth and successful accomplishment of one's goals. Its' a rare Yoga (Combination), but is common in the charts a very successful people. Most of the Mega Hits were released in this period. "Private Dancer" and "What's Love Got To Do With It" were released in this period. She also won a Grammy during this time. Also, this placement shows her conversion to Buddhism. You can see this by Jupiter being in Pisces in the 9th House of Spiritual Teachings and Higher Knowledge. Pisces is the more spiritual of the 2 Jupiter ruled signs. If Jupiter were placed in Sagittarius, she may have doubled down in Christianity or one of the other Mainstream religions. Sagittarius is more into convention religious doctrines as compared to Pisces. Her next period, The Saturn Dasha, Also brought a tremendous amount of success in spite of Saturn being Debilitated. There are 2 major reasons why this occurs. The first reason is that she already dealt with most of the Karma of that Debilitated Saturn in her relationship with Ike Turner. The second reason is that Saturn is involved in Mutual Exchange with Mars (Paravatana Yoga), which makes both planets function almost like they are in their own signs. The combination will raise someone up in life. Of course, they're many other key things happening in this chart, but I'll table it here.
Why the Ancients focused on the Inner Planets.
When it comes to Ancient African and Indian Cultures, the emphasis is on the inner planets meaning Sun, Moon, Mercury, Gemini, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Lunar Nodes Rahu and Ketu. They knew about the outer planets but they knew that their impact was secondary due to their distance and certain scientific units. For example, there are 7 colors in the spectrum, 7 days of the week, 7 musical notes, etc. Also when it comes to sign rulership this is also reserved for the inner planets. The interesting thing about this is that every planet has 2 signs except for the luminaries Sun and Moon. Which make perfect sense. The Sun is the King and The Moon is the Queen, they are compliments of each other through the signs Leo and Cancer . Also, one can also look at the house structure as 6 complimentary relationships (6 pairs of houses). In Jyotish ( or Vedic Astrology ) many of the qualities attributed to the outer planets, asteroids , etc. are embodied in the Nodes Rahu and Ketu. Which is one serpent split in half as the story goes in the classic text. They come and bring an unconventional twist to whatever house/sign they’re in (and much much more). The outer planets are considered in tight conjunctions and mundane astrology in Vedic Astrology.
See below for the sign rulership
Sun - Leo
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Gemini, Virgo
Venus - Taurus, Libra
Mars - Aries, Scorpio
Jupiter - Sagittarius, Pisces
Saturn - Capricorn, Aquarius
What is a “Dasha”?
In the Jyotish/Vedic Astrological system, a Dasha is essentially a chapter of life. Specifically the main Dasha system is Vimshotarri. It comes from the Lord of the Nakshatra of your Moon. For example my Moon is in Leo in the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra which is ruled by Sun . So my first Dasha from birth is Sun. From that reference point the rest of my dashas come from that starting point. The order of a Dasha is as follows; Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, and Venus. Each planetary Dasha has its own time-span. For example the Rahu Dasha is 18 years. The Dashas are important because they show when things activate in your chart for good or for bad. In Jyotish, one of the major prediction techniques is through the system of Yogas, which are simply key planetary combinations occurring in ones chart that have a certain outcome. The Dasha often times show when that particular combination will bare fruit. For example Warren Buffet has a special combination called a Lakshmi Yoga? Which triggers when the Ascendant Lord is strongly placed, and the Lord of the 9th House is exalted, or in its own sign in a Kendra(1,4,7,10) or Trikona(5, 9) House in a natal chart. This Yoga is known to bring opulent wealth and philanthropic opportunities for a native. So Buffet being a Sagittarius Ascendant has the Lord of the 9th House, Sun in its own house Leo , and the Ascendant Lord Jupiter is placed well in Gemini . The Lakshmi Yoga was activated during his Sun Dasha, which was 7/27/1989 - 7/27/1986. Right at the end of this Dasha he was officially declared a Billionaire. When one blends the activation of a prediction with a Dasha and then validate the prediction with a transit, it makes a serious weapon in predictive astrology without a doubt.
Distinction in Astrology
It’s not enough to say one has a particular planet in a sign. A planet at the early part of a sign display different qualities than a planet near the end of a sign. To account for this in Vedic Astrology/ Jyotish divides the zodiac into 27 parts called Nakshatras/Asterisms. The divide of each sign is guided by the time it takes the moon to transit a sign which is 2.5 days. So each sign has 2.5 parts. Each division in addition to the ruler of the sign itself has a planet that governs the division. Starting from Aries, the ruler ship of the divisions starts with Ketu (Southern Node), Venus, and Sun. Then the next set is Moon, and Mars. The next set is Rahu (Southern Node), Jupiter. And lastly is Saturn, and Mercury. These sets apply to Fire , Earth, Air , and Water signs respectively. For example Leo being a fire signs has 3 nakshatras Magha, Purva Phalguni, And Uttara Phalguni. They are ruled by Ketu, Venus, and Sun respectively. Part of the last division falls into the next sign Virgo which has Uttara Phalguni (shared with Leo), Hasta, and Chittra. Which is ruled by Sun, Moon, and Mars reflectively. Then Chittra falls into the next sign Libra , which has Chittra (shared with Virgo), Swati, and Vishaka. Which are ruled by Mars, Rahu (Southern Node), and Jupiter. Lastly Vishaka falls into Scorpio which has Vishaka( Jupiter), Anuradha, And Jyeshtha. Which are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury respectively. Then the cycle starts over again. So essentially this splits the zodiac into 3 parts 120 degrees each. Using Scorpio as an example , Bob Marley moon in Anuradha displays a different Scorpio qualities than Mike Tyson who’s moon is in Jyeshtha. Bob Marley has more of a drive to create a new social order in the world versus Mike Tyson represents more of a drive for power, competition. Also there are fixed stars that are apart of each nakshatra. This makes nakshatra divisions differ from some sign division techniques in other forms of Astrology. They’re astronomical realities as well.
More on this in tomorrow’s episode!
How Christmas Can Undermine Your New Year's Resolution
Christmas occurs during the Winter Solstice, which is the time of the year when the Earth is tilted furthest away from the Sun. During this time, everything is retreating and going underground. This make this the most auspicious time to implant the seeds of what we want to change in lives into the mind and spirit. Because the winter corresponds to the Yin aspect of energy, which is the feminine polarity that corresponds to internal activity, fertility, and receptivity.
Why it’s most likely not #Scorpio Season
For instance, those born between March 21 and April 19 consider themselves to be Aries. Today, the sun is no longer within the constellation of Aries during much of that period. From March 14 ~ 1:00 PM to April 13 ~9:27 PM, the sun is actually in the constellation of Pisces! Based on tropical astrology’s fixed system, this means the zodiac sign of about 77% of people are misclassifie