The Eclipse at 11:45 PM 6/20/2020 is an intense one . Firstly it’s Summer Solstice, and one thing for certain is that we all know that you don’t go out during an eclipse, and now that the country is open everyone out. Very bad idea. I would say that we’re in a time where there are a lot potential threats. The Eclipse occurs in the United States 7th House of Gemini . I wouldn’t be surprised if a foreign threat arises. The prior eclipses occurred in Sagittarius which is the US’S Ascendant/1st House. They haven’t been visible in the US but we still see/feel their impact. Keep an eye on the India China Conflict. The last few eclipses especially the Winter Solstice Eclipse if 2019 was visible there. They are engaging in pre war behavior. This may effect us. Of course we still have the virus and police brutality occur as well. Also there’s a Full Moon eclipse coming on July 5th in Sagittarius . This is a good time to focus spiritual cultivation because the energies very unstable. A lot of bad decisions being made from leadership and the people.